Case Studies

Case Study – Feng Shui use of Geomack products

Feng Shui, the ancient and well-respected Chinese art of balancing the earth’s energies in harmony is now extremely popular and has become integrated with all other aspects of house design.

Energy which moves like the wind ‘Feng’ is easier to control as its flow can be directed and channelled by the placement of physical things. ‘Shui’ the energy which moves below the ground like water, is more difficult to control as it rises and dips in undulating wave like patterns. It is attracted to the surface through absorbent materials such as brick and plaster, water, electricity etc but it is also attracted to living matter. Its effects, especially in living things like humans, can mirror problems that we associate with our modern day lifestyles and the stress that it creates. This is why the term Geopathic Stress is used. Stress from the earth, which can cause many different problems. While an experienced dowser can ascertain and locate disturbances in the shui energy field, the difficulty has always been in treating it effectively in order to clear a building of its negative properties and return it to a positive balance.

This is why equipment such as the Geomack products are used. They complement and aid the Feng Shui expert’s work in the re-placing of physical objects, with the counter-action of negative energies through neutralising them.

Case Study 01

Dr R A Jacobs, MRCS, LRCP, Verwood, Dorset, United Kingdom

After many years’ considerable experience in practising both complementary and conventional medicine, having previously been a  General Practitionser (Medical Doctor), Dr Jacobs is convinced that there is only one main obstacle to recovery from illness and that is Geopathic Stress. Over a third of his patients come in suffering from some degree of GS. He is a firm believer that GS can adversely affect the outcome of any therapy including conventional therapies and that one of the most effective ways to neutralise its effects is to install a permanent neutralising device. The Geomack machine is the most effective he has come across and he has now installed one in his own clinic as well as in the homes of so many of his patients.

Case Study 02

Mayne Sundewall-Hopkins, United Kingdom

As soon as Mayne relocated to this country she felt uncomfortable in her new home and was plagued by a reoccurrence of old illnesses. Aching muscles, joint stiffness, digestive problems and allergies, all got worse. In hindsight, not surprisingly, her symptoms eased off every time she stayed away from her home. Mood swings and stress contributed to her misery and blood tests proved that she was in perfect health. Her doctor was left with no alternative but to diagnose a viral illness and possibly depression. Having been a therapist herself for over twenty years, she knew that health does not usually deteriorate in one day nor is it corrected in one day but following the installation of a Geomack unit, her less good days are getting fewer and further apart. Her husband’s health has improved, too, and she says even the dog is more lively.

Case Study 03

Mrs Elaine Plant, United Kingdom

Mrs Plant’s family was being systematically drained of natural energy with serious consequences. Her son had signs of becoming diabetic and her daughter was suffering from ME type illnesses together with recurrent glandular fever. Mrs Plant refused to accept the doctor’s diagnosis that she had cancer and should have a full colostomy. Having been a very active and healthy family, Mrs Plant was completely at a loss as to understand why the family had so many problems. It was proved to Mrs Plant that stress caused by the presence of underground running water, underground electricity cables, overhead power cables and local transformers, had virtually destroyed her immune system and that of the family. After two months with the Geomack unit, all the family noticed a definite improvement in their health. Mr Plant was so impressed that he purchased a portable Geomack which he stands on his desk at work and finds that he no longer has any of the tiredness symptoms associated with his working environment.

Case Study 04

Liz Morris, Heavenly Bodies Therapy Clinic, Winchester, Hampshire, United Kingdom

A course of anti-depressants left Liz feeling tired and sluggish, she simply could not get her old vigour back. Then a friend of hers told her to get in touch with Geomack. Her relationship had fallen apart and even her boyfriend blamed the house they lived in. After three months with the new Geomack unit, Liz says she feels like a new person and the house now has a lot of harmony and balance in it. If anything can make her feel as good as she does now, she says, then it certainly has to be a good investment.

Case Study 05

Yvonne and Henk, The Netherlands

Sleeping problems, irritable children, tiredness and lack of concentration had worn Yvonne and Hank’s family down. Following extensive conversations with Geomack, the family agreed to let them come down and test the house. Electrosmog (Electro Stress), re-enforced concrete walls and geopathic radiation was diagnosed as the problem. Following the installation of an Geomack unit, the family says its overall quality of life has improved tremendously, the two daughters are concentrating better at school, they all sleep well and have no petty quarrels with each other any more.

Case Study 06

Josette Sciberras, Malta

Ever since Josette bought the Geomack products she says they have worked wonders. Benefits reported include less physical stress, better coping strategies for everyday life and fewer stress related problems. Her parents became calmer and more rational and the fits of depression disappeared. Even the dog is less aggressive and has become warm and loving. Since the installation of a home unit, Josette has purchased a portable unit for her job.

Case Study 07

David Swindley, Renowned Hypnotherapist and Psycho-Dynamic Counsellor, Bournemouth, United Kingdom

All the usual benefits that have accrued from the installation of a Geomack unit in the home – fewer headaches, calmer children, and improved sleeping patterns – cannot compare to the amazing benefits Mr Swindley reports from the purchase of the portable Geomack unit. The unit now accompanies him everywhere – office, bedroom, driving, everywhere. Even on the days when he spends more than five hours at the computer he feels his eyes are less tired and his mind flows more freely.

Case Study 08

Ave, London, United Kingdom

Temper tantrums are normal in children but they’ve usually grown out of them by the time they are approaching ten years old. Ave was amazed when, after the installation of a Geomack unit, her 8 year old daughter’s tantrums, which had become part of family life they felt they just had to cope with, suddenly stopped. The greatest surprise, however, was with regard to the dogs. Their constant barking ceased and such was the change that visitors to the house commented on it. Ave now has two portable units, too, and her husband’s secretary keeps one on her word processor which they find invaluable.

Case Study 09

A. Smith, London, United Kingdom

Mr Smith believes that the installation of a Geomack product in his flat and the purchase of a portable unit, has quite simply changed his life. Prior to a consultation, he had no idea that two electrical intake boxes just outside his flat and working around VDU and other computer equipment, could make him feel so ill. He was so desperate that he was on the point of moving flats but decided to give the Geomack a try, especially as they came with a money-back-guarantee. After only three days he started to feel better, sleeping well and with fewer headaches and less depression. He now carries his portable unit with him at all times, especially if he is working near electrical equipment.

Case Study 10

Carol Power, Feng Shui Consultancy, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Twelve years ago, following a failed marriage, Carol moved into her present house. For years she was dogged by ill health and her relationship with her young son was poor. As she says, little did she know that she was, in fact, living in a ‘sick’ house. Following a degree and becoming a registered auricular acupuncturist, Carol still felt unwell and could not think why. She was, therefore, curious to know what her feng shui teacher would say about the house. The moment he walked through the door he told her that the house was built over an underground stream which was causing a great deal of Geopathic Stress. Ever since installing a Geomack she says the house feels lighter and there was a definite change in the overall atmosphere. Because she has lived so long in negative energy it took a couple of months for her to adjust to it being positive again, but since then she says she has not looked back.