+ P&P: £19.00 per unit
Dimensions: 5.0 x 5.0 x 25.0 cm (Depth x Width x Height).
Coverage: Covers a ground area of up to 6 m diameter.
Weight: 0,8 kg.
£196.46 inc. VAT
+ P&P: £19.00 per unit
Dimensions: 5.0 x 5.0 x 25.0 cm (Depth x Width x Height).
Coverage: Covers a ground area of up to 6 m diameter.
Weight: 0,8 kg.
The ACTIVA Energetic Vitaliser will create a circular protective field and healthier environment of an area 6 m diameter. These coverage figures are applicable whether it is carried by a person, being transported in a vehicle or if stationary. To obtain the maximum efficiency from the product it must be in a vertical orientation.
Benefits of the unit’s energetic field include the reduction of harmful earth energies and the effects of Electro Stress, whose sources include: computer equipment, mobile phones, mobile phone masts, electric pylons and electric sub-stations and many others. Users will also experience a reduction in anxiety and tiredness.
The unit also acts as a great energy booster, just like the other products in the Geomack range, which is due to the unique Geomack Energetic Vitalising Technology™ which is utilised in every model.
With the coverage of the ACTIVA it can cover a King Size bed in all but the worst cases of distorted earth energies (GS) or man-made Electro Stress. This is great for when you are travelling and staying in hotels, for example. It can be placed at the side of the bed, or preferably underneath the bed in the centre. It must be said that it is preferable to cover the whole of one’s own home or workplace, which would require a larger model of Geomack Energetic Vitaliser.
For more energy put your ACTIVA beside your computer or near you when in your car. If you have an ache or pain, try holding the ACTIVA on the affected area.
To briefly explain the phenomena of Geomack unit operation: By installing a Geomack system, we convert negative draining energies to positive charging energies.
Weight | 0.8 kg |